official domains/mirrors are: [ SWAGHACK.NET | KEMONOHOOKS.COM | KEMONO.PET ] no actual user will ever flex/boast their access and-or relation to this project in any way shape or form, beware of impersonators. any domain-names not listed above are (as of 01/08/24) entirely unrelated to us, even if visiting them brought you here.
SWAGHACK.NET | this is some real shit.<[FORUMS]|[LOGIN]> ♫паранойя - шофёр +eelijahh (fumiko!) ♫
official domains/mirrors are: [ SWAGHACK.NET | KEMONO.PET ] no actual user will ever flex/boast their access to this project in any way shape or form, beware of impersonators. any domain-names not listed above are entirely unrelated to us.